Tiles are fantastic and most preferred for creating the desired atmosphere. Tile flooring will always be a smart choice for offices, family rooms, kitchens, bathrooms, and fireplaces because of its timeless appeal and durable nature. Tiles give a luxurious look with a wide range of textures and colors, pattern possibilities seem unlimited. It is not only a matter of looks but it is easy to clean and maintain. Tile flooring is cost-effective which means adding value to the home while providing a life-long flooring solution.
Tile flooring is a little difficult to install compared to other flooring options. Even a simple fault in placing the tile on the floor incorrectly can blemish and ruin the entire pattern. Not to worry; you can follow the tips below to install tile flooring with no hassle.
Here are tips to follow for simple tile installation:
Tools required for installing tile:
Concrete backer board
Backer board fasteners, Power drill
Tape measure, Pencil or marker, Chalk Line
Circular saw Carbide tipped scrolling tool
Straight edge, Level
Pointed trowel, Notched trowel
Thinnest mortar, Tiles, Tile spacers
Grout, Grout float
Buckets, water, sponge, Cleaning Rags
Mixing stick or mixer drill attachment
Knee pads, Safety glasses, Gloves
Tile Installation Procedure:
1. Start from the center: While installing the tile floor, the finished area should appear symmetrical. To achieve this, we need to take dimensions of room and calculate the center of the surface. The center is required even for smaller areas to make the installation perfect and simple.
2. Adjust the surface by squaring: While tiling, the surface area should be in a square, this makes our work a bit easier by finding the center of the room.
In old houses, you may observe that the surface is not square. This makes the installation a bit tougher. In that case, use a wall as a base as a solution for rooms that are not perfectly square. Then, you will find the tiles are parallel to the wall.
3. Divide into quarters: After finding the center or baseline of your work, draw perpendicular lines with chalk or marker. These lines will divide the room into four quadrants. Try to work outward from the center of the room.
There will be a small change in tiling a wall; your concern should be on top-line, not a center or baseline. Use a level for drawing the line and start working on it. Some walls may not be straight, so be cautious while drawing a top line.
4. Stepping off the Figure: The last step after finding the center and squaring the room is to arrange tiles in rows for every quadrant before mixing the adhesive. Complete the tiling row-wise accordingly of each wall. In this last step, you may face a bit of difficulty in the arrangement and centering the room. Check the centering at the layout stage, otherwise it will be a major problem at the end. Follow the same procedure for tiling walls with vertical and horizontal distances.
If the tile length is larger than the gap between the walls and fixed tiles, you should follow the tile cutting procedure to fill those gaps.
Tile Cutting Procedure
For cutting a tile, you need some patience and little practice to make it perfect.
Measure the length of the tile and mark the outlines of the tile perfectly for cutting.
Use the lever to handle the tile without any force on the tile and position it clearly.
Use cutter perfectly along the marked area and cut the edges clearly without any pressure on the tile.
Installing a tile floor is neither extremely difficult nor exceptionally easy. For a flawless result, extra care and caution are necessary during installation. If you find it challenging to do it yourself, consider hiring a professional to ensure a perfect installation.