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How to Repair Click-Lock Flooring [Quick Guide]

July 30, 2019

Click lock floor is basically a type of floating floor, which is made of planks that join together near the sides and gets locked. For the click lock flooring, no nails or glue is used. Planks interconnect when one plank is angled and then laid down next to the other plank. Click lock flooring requires gap of ¼ in around the edge of the room. If the gap is not provided then expanding and contracting can cause damage to the floor boards.

As there are no nails or glue involved, the best way to fix a plank that is damaged is to unclick it, remove it and place the new board in its place.

Tools you will need:

  • A pry bar.
  • A circular saw.

Here you can find the step-by-step process on how to repair the click lock floor.

Step 1: First and foremost, locate the area where the boards are damaged. Next find the wall that is parallel to the direction of the boards. Now you will need to remove the boards from that wall to the area where it is damaged to replace with new boards.

Step 2: With the help of a pry bar remove the baseboard from the wall that is near the area of repair and put it aside. As the boards have to be removed, first remove the baseboard that is concealing the edge of the flooring. After you finish with the new boards you can reinstall that baseboard again.

Step 3: Next you will have to examine the area where the planks meet the wall. Try to get a hold of the edge of the planks with your fingers, if there is not enough place for your fingers, you can try to place the edge of the pry bar into the gap.

Step 4: Now lift the plank that is closest to the wall, this will help the plank slide down to the floor at an angle and it will help to disengage the lock on the floor. To remove the planks slide it backwards. Continue doing this till you get to the damaged area. Once removed discard the damaged boards.

Step 5: Replace all the boards that are damaged with new ones leading back to the wall. Hold the board at an angle and 5-6 inches above the ground level, so that the edges of the two boards meet. Before lowering the planks to the ground push the two boards together till they lock. Repeat this process till you reach the wall.

Step 6: Before you finish, make sure you leave a gap of ¼ inch in between of the wall and the last plank. In case, the last board is too big and is not allowing a gap use a circular saw and cut the plank to the appropriate width needed and then install.

Step 7: The baseboard that you removed in step 1 can be replaced now to cover the gap.